error SafeCastOverflowedUintDowncast(uint8 bits, uint256 value)
Value doesn't fit in a uint of bits
This is based on OpenZeppelin's SafeCast library.
error LeafIndexOutOfBounds(uint32 leafIndex, uint32 maxAllowedIndex)
Custom error for when the leaf index is out of bounds.
function _verifyMerkleProof(bytes32 _leafHash, bytes32[] _proof, uint32 _leafIndex, bytes32 _root) internal pure returns (bool proofIsValid)
Verify merkle proof
The depth of the tree is expected to be validated elsewhere beforehand.
Name | Type | Description |
_leafHash | bytes32 | Leaf hash. |
_proof | bytes32[] | Sparse merkle tree proof. |
_leafIndex | uint32 | Index of the leaf. |
_root | bytes32 | Merkle root. |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
proofIsValid | bool | Returns if the proof is valid or not. |
function safeCastToUint32(uint256 _value) internal pure returns (uint32 castUint32)
Tries to safely cast to uint32.
This is based on OpenZeppelin's SafeCast library.
Name | Type | Description |
_value | uint256 | The value being cast to uint32. |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
castUint32 | uint32 | Returns a uint32 safely cast. |